A History of the Baptists. Together with Some Account of Their Principles and Practices
John T. Christian

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Book Description

A History of the Baptists. Together with Some Account of Their Principles and Practices
Publication Year:
Nashville, TN
Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention
Baptist churches, Anabaptists, Reformation, Church History
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
John T. Christian, A History of the Baptists. Together with Some Account of Their Principles and Practices

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. The New Testament Churches
  2. The Ancient Churches
  3. Struggle Against Corruption
  4. The Paulician and Bogomil Churches
  5. The Albigensian,The Petrorusian, The Henrician, The Arnoldist and the Berengarian Churches
  6. The Waldernsian Churches
  7. The Origin of the Anabaptist Churches
  8. The Character of the Anabaptists
  9. The Reformers Bear Witness to the Baptists
  10. The Baptists in the Practice of Dipping
  11. Other Baptist Churches in the Practice of Dipping
  12. The Practice of Dipping in the Netherlands, Poland, Lithuania and Transylvania Baptist Churches
  13. The Peasant Wars and the Kingdom of Munster
  14. The British Baptist Churches
  15. The Baptists in the Reformation Period in England
  16. The Episode of John Smyth
  17. Origin of The Particular Baptist Churches
  18. A Great Debate on Baptism
  19. The Rise and Progress of Baptist Institutions and Customs
  20. The Achievements of the English Baptists
  21. The Origin of the American Baptist Churches
  • Indexes
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