Calvin and the Bible

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Article in Journal or Book Randall Herbert Balmer, "Sola scriptura: the Protestant Reformation and the Eastern Orthodox Church," Trinity Journal ns 3.1 (Spring 1982): 51-56.
Article in Journal or Book Don H. Compier, "The independent pupil: Calvin's transformation of Erasmus' theological hermeneutics," Westminster Theological Journal 54.2 (Fall 1992): 217-233.
On-line Resource Ralph Cunnington, "Did Turretin Depart from Calvin’s View on the Concept of Error in the Scriptures?"Foundations 61 (Autumn 2011): 41-58.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Brian C. Dennert, "John Calvin’s Movement From the Bible to Theology and Practice," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 54.2 (June 2011): 345-365.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Richard B. Gaffin, "Old Amsterdam and Inerrancy," Westminster Theological Journal 44.2 (Fall 1982): 250-289.
Article in Journal or Book Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., "Old Amsterdam and Inerrancy?" Westminster Theological Journal 45.2 (Fall 1983): 219-272.
Article in Journal or Book Richard C. Gamble, "Exposition and Method in Calvin," Westminster Theological Journal 49.1 (Spring 1987): 153-165.
On-line Resource Stanko Jambrek, "The Bible in the Time of the Reformation," Kairos Evangelical Journal of Theology 4.1 (May 2010): 85-115. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book George Johnson, "Calvinism and Interpretation," The Evangelical Quarterly 4.2 (April 1932): 161-172.
Article in Journal or Book G.D. Henderson, "The Bible in Seventeenth-Century Scotland," The Evangelical Quarterly 7.4 (Oct. 1935): 388-414.
Article in Journal or Book George Johnston, "Scripture in the Scottish Reformation," Canadian Journal of Theology 8.4 (Oct. 1962): 249-257.
Article in Journal or Book T.C. Johnson, "John Calvin and the Bible," The Evangelical Quarterly 4.3 (July 1932): 257-266.
Article in Journal or Book Scott M. Manetsch, "Problems with the patriarchs: John Calvin's interpretation of difficult passages in Genesis," Westminster Theological Journal 67.1 (Spring 2005): 1-21.
Article in Journal or Book L. De Moor, "John Calvin's View of Revelation," The Evangelical Quarterly 3.2 (April 1931): 172-192.
On-line Resource Roger R. Nicole, "John Calvin and inerrancy," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 25.4 (Dec. 1982): 425-442.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Roger R. Nicole, "John Calvin and inerrancy," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 25.4 (Dec. 1982): 425-442.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Ian S. Palmer, "The Authority and Doctrine of Scripture in the Thought of John Calvin," Evangelical Quarterly 49.1 (Jan.-Mar. 1977): 30-39.View in PDF format pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
On-line Resource J.F. Peter, "The Reformed View of the Scriptures," The Evangelical Quarterly 31.4 (1959): 196-204.View in PDF format pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the current copyright holder without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
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